I have to say, I think Season 3 is my favorite. I like how the whole cast has grown and things in the show have changed. New songs, different story lines, etc.
I was looking at the list of episodes that have aired from season 3 and one was "You Never Give Me My Money" that air Nov. 23. Does anyone know what that one was about? The title doesn't sound familar.
yeah, season 3 hasn't aired here either :D but i've seen a few episodes on youtube, and it's awsome. that intro thing or whatever is better, and i also thik that the members of the cast have changed in a good way :p
Season 3 is my favorite season so far too. All the episodes have been great.
cgpp14 wrote:
I was looking at the list of episodes that have aired from season 3 and one was "You Never Give Me My Money" that air Nov. 23. Does anyone know what that one was about? The title doesn't sound familar.
Basically it was about Miley wanting a raise on her allowance. Miley goes to her dad and he gives her a checking account. She then feels like her dad is waiting to see if she will spend the money on silly things so the whole episode she tries to not spend her money at all. It's a really great one. I hope you see it soon!
Season 3 is definitely the best so far. I loooved the Lackson episode, and Mitchel has just been absolutely hilarious in all the episodes for sure. The meat rap... xD
Haha I just downloaded all the season 3 episodes that have aired. I put them on my iPod and when I can't get sleep, I wach them. 'You never give me my money' i just great, i laughed so much. :__D
Haha I just downloaded all the season 3 episodes that have aired. I put them on my iPod and when I can't get sleep, I wach them. 'You never give me my money' i just great, i laughed so much. :__D
That's one of my favorite episodes too! I bought a couple of the new episodes for my ipod as well. Season 3 has been really great so far. One of the best I think.
i really loved this most recent season i think it was the best so far. tho i was looking forward to the diabetes one that didnt air :( o well i would have hated to cry
Yeah, it did stink that No Sugar Sugar got pulled. Good thing it aired somewhere in English, because I was able to find a download link to an English version somewhere. The quality wasn't too great, but it was better than nothing. =]
I watched it on Youtube. I didn't think it was bad at all. I think Mitchel did a really great job. It was cool to see him play a more dramatic role in the episode. I was bummed Disney pulled it.