in the "Ask Mitchel" section, and I noticed he hasn't answered any questions (if I read correctly) since July 2007. Does anyone know if he plans to do another round of questions anytime soon? I know he's really busy, especially now (with the album, Disney shows, movie, etc.), but I thought I'd ask :)
i think he should find some time to get back to his fans or he will loser us
He gets back to the Fans all the time! He takes calls on SayNow, has contests on his Twitter, post shout outs on his Twitter, has meet and greets at concerts, sends fan mail, etc.
More "stars" don't even do that. He also says thank you to all Fans often, etc.
lots of stars dont even reply to their fan mail or refuse to meet fans at concerts
Mitchel was great! He had to get going to get ready for the 6 oclock show in toronto and I asked him for a picture, and even though he had to get going...he was more than happy to get a picture with me and my friend (I was very surprised because most stars don't do that)
I just wish he could know how amazing and inspiring he really is, I never got the chance to tell him. :)
such an amazing guy!
♪I'm Covered In Rain, But It Feels Just Like Its The Sun♪
I know, right? I remember I was crazy about a female singer (who is half Norwegian and half American) and when I finally got to meet her, she wasn't so nice that I thought, which sort of surprised me, cause she seemed so nice in interviews and nice to her fans when she met them in tv programs and I've read from fans that had written on several pages that she was wonderful.
Like I said, I met her twice and she wasn't so nice. I felt sort of stupid for once liking her and she said in a interview that she liked that fans took the time to talk to her. I thought "What a liar". I still read some fan stories that she's wonderful and one time she traveled to Africa, she seemed genuinly upset about the situation of the poor people. So she may not a be a terrible person. But I'm over her now, ha ha.
Most of celebrities should be nice to their fans, cause mainly they are the reason for maintaining their careers. But to be a little diplomatic; they're just humans and could have a bad day or they could have a busy schedule.
yeah thats true...They are just normal people who have bad days just like us....but should try to be nice to everyone and realize that they are talking to and meeting people who are inspired by them and are buying their products and music, so they should try to be happy and do as much as they can for the fans..
♪I'm Covered In Rain, But It Feels Just Like Its The Sun♪
Yup. I remember last time when Britney Spears came to Norway (my homecountry, though), she took the time to meet two fans. She was sweet and nice to them, but she just greeted them, talked a few words and then said; "Sorry that I'm so short, but I have to prepare to the show". But she said it in a nice way.
Recently I saw a interview with a Norwegian artist who has sold many records here, where he said that he hated when people just said hi to him when he walked on the street. What a ungrateful jerk.
If people are going to be selling many records and going on tour and stuff, they should really be social, especially with fans who are supporting him. It doesn't make sense not to be.
Yeah Like I met Kevin Jonas during the filming of Camp rock.. and he had to go because there were to many people coming over, but was talked to me and a couple others for like 3 minutes or so....then when more people started coming he had to leave, so he politely said "Sorry Guys I have to get going, but it was great talking to you. See ya later"
He such a nice guy! but yeah, people who are nice to their fans are real people and are loved for it :)
♪I'm Covered In Rain, But It Feels Just Like Its The Sun♪
OMG YOU MET KEVIN JONAS?? When I liked the Jonas Brothers, I'd have daydreams about meeting them, but when I stopped dreaming, I was all depressed cuz I knew it'd never happen! :( I got over it... eventually.
OMG YOU MET KEVIN JONAS?? When I liked the Jonas Brothers, I'd have daydreams about meeting them, but when I stopped dreaming, I was all depressed cuz I knew it'd never happen! :( I got over it... eventually.
Don't give up! You certainly wont meet them if you stop trying. Believe me, I've been trying to meet my idol since 2000 and have yet to do it. Though, I continue to try and hope that, at some point, I'll meet him.
haha yeah I was really dumb Luck! It happened to me when I least expected Dont give up on it....Its one of those things where you have to be at the right place at the right time......and also when somehow it becomes your time and if you just keep thinking it, it just might happen.... :D Just don't give up!
♪I'm Covered In Rain, But It Feels Just Like Its The Sun♪