So I know that MMO is always saying Mitchel only has one myspace. Plus he's said it on his blog as well, but I do have a question regarding his myspace.
I just bought M magazine a couple weeks ago and they claimed in the contact section in the back that Mitchel's myspace is this: I checked the site out and it looked pretty fake. It only had like 30 friends and one song.
Bop and Tiger Beats magazine myspace also has another Mitchel myspace on their top friends and its this: I've seen that site around before and it looks ok. It has a ton of friends and a full layout and everything but it could very well be fake too.
Both are music myspaces so does anyone know if Mitchel does or did at one point have a music myspace? I'm just curious because it kinda surprised me that two big magazines would have other myspaces for Mitchel and they aren't the one he's has been telling people about....anyone know anything? I'd be happy to email these magazines if they are fake myspaces....
Well i haven't had a myspace in forever, however i know the myspace going around that you know and that people on here are saying is his will for sure be his. It only takes a few people to send into a mag to say this is his myspace. Mags get false info alot surprisingly. So just stuck with MMO and you will always know the truth
I've never seen that first one, but I've seen the second one, and it looked pretty legitimate, especially with all those friends! But of course, I'm sure it isn't, because Mitchel would be promoting it if it was. Sorry, I really wasn't able to answer the question, but you made a good point. I can't believe those magazines are posting crap without confirming it first! With Mitchel beginning a music career though, I'm sure he will have a public music MySpace soon :)
Both the above MySpaces are fake. The only MySpace he uses and is aware of, is the one posted on the Site. He will hopefully have a Music MySpace soon, but as of now, does not.
Nathan: Yeah I agree. Magazines can get false info pretty fast. I'm just surprised that they wouldn't check up on stuff like that before posting myspaces to the public. Posers are so common these days. Thanks for the info! =]
Elisa: I've seen the second one too. It did look pretty real. I guess anyone can make a layout and put people on their top to look real though. Lame posers...Lol. I hope Mitchel gets a real music myspace soon too!
Ally: Thanks! Hopefully he will have a real music myspace soon.