yeah exactly, we know he's busy, but you know, if you have any kind of possibility to contact him, and tell him to take a look at our ideas of teh book, it would be cool. :---D
Hey guys, obviously im not Ally. I will talk to her and see what i can get done. I cannot promise anything so please don't hold your breath. Ally or myself will get back to you as soon as possible
Hey everyone, i am currently talking with Ally. Apparently he used to post on IMDb, then he had to stop due to the amount of PMs and the time he had to answer them. After he stopped many people were unhappy with him because he wasn't on. As you are aware we are looking into a paid forum possibly. Once we get that set up Ally has said herself that she has no doubt he would love to post, make sure to keep active everyone!
Hey guys! I have no doubt that Mitchel would love to come and post. Though, due to time and such, he isn't able to. I have sent his Mom the link and they know they are more than welcome to join and/or post. The thing is, Mitchel used to post on the movie site IMDb, some of you may remember that, but, as he got busier and more "famous", he had to stop. He was getting too many PMs and such.
If he was to join, he'd post once and that'd be all. That's why he has his Blog and MySpace. A way to interact with you. In time, he may post. We'll just have to wait and see. Though, they are aware of the forum, so remember to keep posting, leave positive comments and spread the word!
heck i wouldnt send him pm's.. only cuz i use to do that to Dylan and Cole.. i've learned. but that changes nothing for others XD idk why i felt the need to add it but i did.