Title says it all, right? Something funny/stupid/whatever you or someone else said. Put it here! Maybe we can laugh about it, just like you and your friends probably did n__n
I'll start with some I had.
Me: *pokes Yen.* Y: Who did that? ö Me: I don't know... Yen: Who poked me? Me: I did. Yen: But you just said that... Me: I'm very sneaky... But, you know what? Yen: What? Me: I didn't poke you... Yen: You didn't? Me: Yes, I did. Yen: What? You're confusing me! Me: Okay... But who poked you? *Yen walks away, annoyed xD*
Yeah, I can be very annoying sometimes xD --- On msn, again with Yen x] Me: HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH Yen: Are you done? Me: Uhm... Yen: ¬¬ Me: HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH, okay, now I'm done xD --- Guitar-lessons. *comes in* Teacher: Hi! Me: Hello. T: Any news? Me: No. T: Any questions? Me: No. T: You have a cold? Me: Yes -__-" T: I hear it Me: I know it -__-" --- Mom: Do you have homework? Me: Probably. Mom: Are you gonna make your homework? Me: Probably not. --- My science-teacher is the best xD
Teacher: I want to demonstrate what to do when you're on fire. J: Can I play the victim? =D T: Sure, you can be the victum. Come on up here. *J. goes to the teacher.* T: Now act like you're on fire. J: AAAAH! I'M ON FIRE! T: GET DOWN! J: I CAN'T! I'M ON FIRE! T: I HELP YOU! *pushes J on the ground, puts some weird carpet on him* Leraar: Now gently push on the carpet. *starts hitting on J. like some kind of maniac* Class: *dies* --- Me: Wow! There's this boy in school, he's so cute! Yen: What number is his locker? Me: 60! Denise: THAT'S MY LOCKER! O__O Me: Oh xD ---
That's all I can think of right now. Now I want to hear yours!
-- Edited by Nien. at 14:18, 2009-02-24
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
o man... let me find the ones that CAN be said... XD
Marissa: FINE Marissa: I ADMIT IT Marissa: WE WENT TO THE PARK AND SKIPPED IN CIRCLES SINGING "I LOVE YOU" THE BARNEY SONG Marissa: PLEASE DON'T TELL MY PARENTS Marissa: I REGRET IT ----------------------------------------- Marissa: WARN ME Marissa: THAT IT'S LOUD Katy: hey rissa Marissa: yessum? Katy: The video is loud Marissa: ... Marissa: you're gonna die ---------------------------------------- Katy: -is watching another metro station vid- Katy: ... Katy: WHY Katy: DO THEY HAVE Katy: THE ASIAN DOING ALL THE WORK ---------------------------------------- Katy: i need sunny d Katy: -runs to get- Marissa: JUNO Katy: im sorry Katy: i dont carry a freaking Katy: GALLON of it ---------------------------------------- Andi: ..ISH SO SQUISHY LOOKING <OOO^> Andi: look at the left one Andi: DAMN BIRD NEEDS TO GO ON A DIET ----------------------------------------- Katy: ANDI THOUGHT MITCHEL WAS CUTE Katy: -bounces and points with worried face- Marissa: ...your point..? Katy: SHE LIKES NICK NOT MITCHEL -bounces more- ---------------------------------------- Katy: OMG Marissa: shoes ----------------------------------------- Andi: ...... Andi: there's that noise again Katy: the sound of u typing? Marissa: you can hear us in GEORGIA?! Andi: no Andi: the sound of marissa's brain fart -------------------------------------- Marissa: -throws stick at- Marissa: BOTHER BOT- Marissa: ...that was a lot more thrilling that i expected it to be Marissa: -picks up rock- Marissa: BO- Andi: -runs and tackles- ----------------------------------- Andi: ...girlish figure? Andi: petite? Andi: what is he Andi: short? Katy: he does..have a bit of curves... -------------------------- Andi: ...are you high katy? Katy: high on candy... Katy: and Billie Joe Andi: oh Lord Andi: did you sniff pixie stix or something? Katy: no... Katy: i crushed smarties.. --------------------------- Katy: its too easy to confuse you XD Andi: -_-++++ Andi: I. RESENT. THAT. -------------------------- Katy: -runs off- Katy: -attempts to run up wall- Katy: -falls- Katy: -tries again- Katy: -falls- Andi: -watches rather entertained- Katy: -tries again- Katy: -falls- Katy: WTH!??! Katy: -uses web to swing off- Katy: -hits wall- Katy: -falls- Andi: -watches more- ---------------------------- Katy: -sings to St. Jimmy- Katy: -moshes with self- Andi: HOW THE- Andi: WHAT TH- Andi: ................. Andi: how can you mosh WITH YOURSELF!??! Katy: you hit walls and objects as if they were people Katy: :] Andi: ......... Andi: but Andi: if you most with yourself Andi: wouldnt you actually hit yourself as if you were other people? Katy: how Katy: bang on my chest as if i was tarzan Katy: im not stupid andi Andi: -holds in laughter- Katy: Just laugh Andi: -dies laughing-
hahahha this is a real old one.. from june, but it's so funny :--D
Nina: OH GOSH! *runs into the livingroom* Mom: what? Nina: I just found out that Mitchel doesn't have a promise-ring! Anni was just kiddin when she said that. Mom: okay... Dad: So... are you gonna marry him or why are you so hysterical? Nina: No, NOW I DON'T NEED TO. Dad and Mom: *O__O* Nina: yeaa... i'm just... gonna... go. bye.
almost everything i've said are somekind of inside jokes, so they're a bit hard to explain but maybe i'll post more later :--D
Me: Lalalalalalalalalalalalala. Anne: You can stop now ¬¬ Me: Okay ...*10 seconds later* Me: Lalalalalalalala Anne: I hate you. Me: I love you too n__n --- Weird art-teacher: I hate teaching. Class: Then why are you here? Teacher: I have no idea. Me: x_x? --- Me: I hate you J: I love you. Me: Ew. --- Gym-class. Me: *runs trough the hall* Yenn&Anne: When you're gonna fall, we're gonna laugh soooo hard! Me: But I won't f... *falls* Yenn&Anne: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
I don't usually say very amusing things, but let's see what I can dig up from my past *skeleton falls out of closet* GAH! lol
*playing Scrabble w friends... shut up* Rachel: This is really retarded. Can I still do it? Me: Yeah, sure, go ahead. Rachel: *puts 's' by 'moo'* Smoo!
Emily: It's picture day, and I'm wearing a purple T-shirt! Me: It's orange. Emily: *looks at shirt* ORANGE! I was colorblind for a minute...
Me: *wipes plastic fork on sleeve* Ryan: Emo!
Me: I had Mountain Dew and Pepsi within the same hour... and I was feeling purdy good!
That's mostly it... Maybe I'll say something stupid tomorrow...
Most of this was said way back when, and some was said today:
Me: Look at my nails! *they were painted white* Tiffany: Brittani, have you been playing with White-Out again?
Me: Hey, Shelby, have you ever noticed that when someone tells you to calm down, they're usually the one who ticked you off?
Me: There's nothing quite like the beautiful sound of a motorcycle revving up. Dad: If we didn't have neighbors, mine would be louder. But we do and I don't think they want to hear a Harley at 6 in the morning. Me: They'd get over it.
Me: Ooooohh! Guess what? Emily: *slightly agitated* Does this have anything to do with Mitchel Musso? Me: Perhaps...
Jessica (history class): Why does everyone act like I'm stupid?! Me: I'm not gonna comment on that...
Me: He called me obnoxious! Was that really the best he could come up with?!
Alek: I knew it! I'm psychic! And you're favorite color is blue! Me: Black. Alek: DANG IT!
Alison: *looking at empty Thermos by my lunchbox* What was that? Me: Slim-Fast. Alison: EEEEEEEEEEEWWW!
Me: Mitchel Musso is manly! Emily: Does he have dog tags? Me: Yes, and I've seen him wear them. Emily: Does he have a buzz cut? Me: I'd have a heart attack if he did!
*me and Emily are fighting over a water bottle* Emily: MITHCEL MUSSO IS DEAD! Me: *fetal position, wailing* NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Me: You can just call me Miss Thang. *don't ask*
Alek: *pretends to sniff something* E=MC... *inhale, exhale* Squared...
Rachel: YOU DUMPED PEPPER IN THE PINEAPPLES! Me: Well, you called Mitchel gay; you deserved it.
Jessica (theatre buddy): It's so pointless! It's love at first sight and... Me: Romeo and Juliet both die.
*watching Jeopardy!* Me: *jumping up and yelling* WHO IS NANCY DREW! YAYEAH! I'M AWESOME!
Trey (my older brother): You really need to let the "Mitchel hair flip" thing go... Me: Never!
Nichole: What's wrong? Me: Nothing. Alek: Then why do you seem so mad? Me: I'm not. I'm practicing my runway walk. *again, don't ask*
This is my third one in a row... I say a lot of retarded things, I guess.
Me: *runs around gym class acting stupid* Tiffany: Brittani, what have you been smoking in the bathroom? Me: *grinning, in an innocent voice* Nnnooootttthhhhiiiiiinnnnnnggg...
Dad: You were in Hobby Lobby the whole time?! Mom: Yeah, how long were you waiting? Dad: Well, I was in Hastings and saw RotoWire, glanced through it, came here and didn't see you, so I went back to Hastings... Me&Mom: *laughing* Dad: ... Looked around for a bit, came back, walked through a few stores... Mom: *laughs hysterically* [he wasn't even finished at that point!]
Me: I'd slap this computer, but the screen's so thin I'm scared I'll break it!
Olivia: Eh, mah gehdness...
Dad: *after reading sign quote above door in taekwondo academy* They should have Mr. Miaggi, "Look eye! Always look eye!"
Me: *looks at a bag of gooey dough in the refrigerator, then at a piece of paper* Mom? Mom: Yeah? Me: Is this the Ammish friendship bread in the bag? Mom: Yeah. Me: *looks at paper* The recipe says not to put it in the fridge... Mom: CRAP!
*at church* Woman: How's the Ammish bread coming? Mom: Pretty good. Me: I had to take it out of the refrigerator. Mom: Brittani!
Me: I get kinda depressed at lunch. My friends are all eating fudge, cookies... And I'm eating Fig Newtons and a bite-sized, low-fat 3 Musketeers! And the sick part... THEY DON'T GAIN SQUAT! I GAIN A LOT! Mom: Dieting is depressing...
Rachel: Crap, I don't have enough money to buy ice cream. Me: If it makes you feel any better, I don't have enough money to buy SQUAT! Rachel: Is that a drug?
Me: Guess what?! Tiffany: What? Me: Leonardo Da Vinci was a vegetarian!
Random kid: Quit yellin'! Me: I'm not yelling. Do you want to hear me yell? Kid: No...
Me: I can't even remember the last time I had a French fry... Emily: Brittani, they're just fried slices of potatoes. Me: No. They're slices of heaven!
Me: *to a friend at taekwondo* One time, during the weapon class, we did stuff with swords and he told us about samurais. We had to walk like samurais, which meant we had to be serious... Yeah, I couldn't do it...
Me: *to Emily, almost screaming* How can you eat potato chips and chocolate chip cookies and STILL BE SO FREAKIN' SKINNY?!
Me: Why do they call it "Smart Water" if it doesn't make you smart? Emily: Why do they call it "Slim-Fast" if it doesn't make you slim? Me: *defensive* It's not loaded with calories and it keeps you full for four hours, so you're less likely to overeat!
Emily: OMG! Narnia!
Me: I'm fourteen. I'm, like, ancient...
Emily: He walks like a pigeon!
*coming up with Western nicknames* Keaton: I wanna be Lazy-Eye Larry! Emily: But you don't have a lazy eye. You can be Pretzel Pete! Me: Yeah! 'Cause you're, like, obsessed with pretzels...
Science teacher: It's not that hard to understand as long as you don't think too hard about it.
Me: *doing a presentation in German in front of the class* Everyone: *starts laughing* Me thinks: What's wrong? Am I pissing my pants and not noticing it, or something? xD Everyone: *still laughing* Me stops: Okay, WHAT IS WRONG?! Yenny: You keep doing that flippy thing with your hair xD Me: And that's funny? Everyone: Yeah! Me: Riiiiiiight... Teacher: SHE MAY GET NERVOUS OF YOU GUYS LAUGHING! Me thinks: That's not true o.o Oh well, if I messed up, I'll blame them! Me saaaays: YES, I SURE DO!
Yeah, I did a flippy thing with my hair every 5 seconds, and it looked.. funny? xD
-- Edited by Nien. at 22:41, 2009-03-12
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
Eh-kay. This is mostly weird crap my pals and I said at the school's science fair on Tuesday (and throughout this week), but there's other stuff, too.
Alek: You're thinking... Alek needs to stop swearing... Me: That's true, but no. Alek: *I forget what he said after that, but it was about him* Me: It has nothing to do with you, you vain, vain creature. Tiffany: Oooh! Hey, Alek, do you need some ice for that burn?
Me: I ate pretty fast today... OMG! I'm turning into my mother!
Science teacher: And no blue jeans on Science Fair day. Only kakhis or slacks. Me: *thinking* Ah, crap...
*at science fair; the judges had already passed me* Me: *on the phone with Mom* Hey, Mom. Mom: Where are you? Me: In the bleachers. The judges already saw my project. Mom: Do you want me to come get you? Me: If you do, can you bring some food? Mom: What do you want me to bring? Me: Umm... I dunno. Something edible that tastes good.
*my friends and I are eating string cheese that my mom brought* Me: I love string cheese. Emily: Cheese head! Me: Shh! Nobody's supposed to know about that!
Me: If I had that on tape, he wouldn't have even realized the words came out of his mouth by the time news reporters are knocking on his door asking, "What do you have to say for yourself?!"
Tyler: Hey, are any of you in ag? *referring to agriculture class* Nichole: I don't even like football!
*my friends and I were outside the school after our projects were judged* Emily: *banging on locked door, screaming* NO! LET ME IN! I WANT TO LIVE!
*talking about "Outsiders Day"* Me: So, how'd you like being a 'sock' yesterday? *'Soc' is pronounced like "soash"* Aric: How like a Greaser to mispronounce words!
*after visiting a wax museum* Dad: *talking about the villains section* They even had the Texas Chainsaw Massacre! Trey: All they need is someone with a chainsaw to chase you out, rev it up, and get a Hershey stain on your pants!
Randa: You're gonna give me a complexion! *she meant 'complex'*
J: That guy we saw, he told me a very big secret! Me: You mean the thing that *secret, you guys don't need to know that n_n xD* J: O.O How do you know that? Me: Honey, you tell me everything. I have no idea why, but you do it. J: I tell you everything because you're my sweet little girlfriend! n__n Me: Awww, you're the cutest x]
He's such a sweety! He's gay, so.. xD
-- Edited by Nien. on Saturday 14th of March 2009 07:24:36 PM
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
*after lunch* Emily: Nyah! Kaylyn: Nyah! *they keep going with this for a while* Me: NYAH TO YA BOTH! Emily: *to me* Double nyah! Me: Nyah infinity! *we try to do better than each other continuously* Me: Nyah times infinity, times infinity, times infinity... *keep going* ... to the infinitieth power, squared... Emily: You'd make Dennis the Menace wanna shoot himself!
Randa: Just TRY to put soap in my mouth!
Me: *thinking* I've watched way too much Veggie Tales as a kid...
Nichole: Alek, cut it out before she goes all taekwondo up your [bleep]!
Ryan: I feel pretty... *I worry about that kid*
Me&Emily: *singing to get on people's nerves* You're my cuppycake, honeybun... Alison: *almost screaming* NOOO!!!
Emily: I have a license to promote smiles! *points at Alison* And she has a license to kill!
-- Edited by Nathan on Sunday 15th of March 2009 09:33:52 PM
I think I'm almost getting to the point where I'm posting too many quotes in this thread...
Me: *talking somewhat fast* I need a Mitchel fix! I need a Mitchel fix! I need a Mitchel fix! Emily: I don't even know what that is... Me: Well, ya know how when someone's addicted to something and they think they need it, it's considered a "fix"? Well, I NEED A MITCHEL FIX!!
Me: Do I LOOK like a walking encyclopedia?!?! Hayley: Yes.
Me: All I have to do is contact someone Mitchel would take advice from, convince them to tell Mitchel to put a clarinetist in his band, bring him to an art fair or something where I'm playing the clarinet, he'll say, "You rock! Join my band!" and then-- Emily: Brittani! Be realistic! Me: It could happen...
Jesse (he's a real jerk): *asking someone about me* Do you think she's crazy? Me: Oh, I KNOW I'm crazy!
Kelsey: He messed up his computer! I told him how to do it, but nnnooooooo!!!
This is just silly stuff my parents and I said during our adventure in Beaver's Bend yesterday.
*before we left the house* Me: You got the Chap Stick? Mom: Yup. Me: It's gonna be a good trip!
*on the road* Me: *randomly bursts into hysterical laughter* Mom&Dad: *stare at me* Me: Are you gonna finish your coffee? Dad: Yes.
*on the road, after breakfast* Me: I've got my coffee, I've got creamer in my coffee, I've got sugar in my coffee, I've got some M&M's, it's gonna be a good trip!
Me: *pointing* Horsies!! Mom: One of them is a mule. Me: Well, it's still mostly horses...
*during a very long hike* Mom: I need some frozen yogurt, or something! We've been hiking for a while; we deserve it!
*again, during the hike* Me: Are we freakin' there yet?! Dad: Almost. Me: *looking at the top of the very steep hill* You've GOT to be kidding me!
*another hiking quote* Mom: Scratch the frozen yogurt. I want a hot fudge sundae!
*guess what we were still doing?* Me: Are you sure we're going the right way? Dad: Nope.
Oh my gosh, today at school during biology. Teacher: Grab your pens! Me: Anne, can I borrow a pen? Teacher: You don't have a pen? Me: No, I lost mine, so... Teacher: You're at school! You need a pen! That's important. Me: Yeah, but I lost... Teacher: NO! THE NEXT LESSON, WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A PEN WITH YOU, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO COME IN! Me: O__O Teacher: Now you can borrow my pen... Yenny: Omg, did you see that? Me: See what? Yenny: He just had that pen in his mouth! Me: EEEEWHL! O_O *throws pen away*
Eventually I borrowed Anne's pen xD
-- Edited by Nien. on Monday 23rd of March 2009 06:20:46 PM
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
and the Mitchel Fix one...reminded me of one i had this past week...
Me: -is on trolly and sees Green street- Hannah: St. Patty's Day is fun for me...i dont know why. I think it's just I like Green so much. Me: -.- Everyone: -passes some dude with a mic and drumkit- Me: -twitch- Hannah: DUDE THAT GUY WITH THE MIC! THAT WAS SO COOL! ahh hahaha Me: I NEED A GREEN DAY FIX AND I NEED IT RIGHT NOW!... Everyone: O-O Me: -sits- -------------------------------------- [random ones] -------------------------------------- Hannah: Katy...I think I'm going to name this trolly.. Me: Here I'll do it..-pats side of it- It's offically "The Olly Trolly" Hannah: i dont want on it now... -------------------------------------- Me: -is listneing to John Roecker about new Green Day documentary- John: Well you are going to see some nudity... Me: O-O John: Billie, Mike, and Trè all came over to my house for a pool party and well...the guy , like always, got out of hand. Me: NOT. AGAIN. -------------------------------------- John: Green Day put the colors back into M&M's. We had gotten invited to a party...the only party we were ACTUALLY invited to by the way. There were M&M's everywhere, so the guys got some, threw them and cars and just left. Me: Well that SOUNDS like something they would do but...REALLY?! M&M's?! -------------------------------------- John: Trè cooks when he's drunk. Me: Oh jee what a nice little hobby. -------------------------------------- Me: I just know that Nick J. listens to Green Day... Andi: DONT. SAY THAT. Me: WELL IT'S TRUE. He dresses like Billie, acts like Mike, and well now...has a mind like Trè. Andi: O_O NONOONONONONONONONONONONONONONONOOONONONONONNNNONONO!!!! Me: OK OK....JEEZ. TRE AINT THAT BAD. --------------------------------------- Me: -hits your sim- Me: IT HAS A PROBLEM Me: WITH BUGGING ME Me: WHILE I SLEEP Andi: LMAOLMAOLMAO Andi: wow Andi: that IS a me sim! Me: i'll be sleeping Me: then your sim will come in Me: and turn on either the radio or tv Me: and so i got rid of both Me: and locked my door... Me: THEN SHE'D KNOCK ON THE DOOR AND WAKE ME UP! Andi: -can't breathe- ---------------------------------------
*in health class* Teacher: ... And I looked down, and there was a copperhead coiled up on the ground. Skylar: What'd you do?! Teacher: The first thing I did, I'm not sure, but I think I messed my drawers up.
*on the bus* Tracy: *leaning out the window, yelling at a couple* GET A FREAKIN' ROOM!
Rachel: Hey, Alison, you want a brownie? Alison: Yeah, sure.
*this is why it's funny* Alison: That was your brownie? Emily: Yeah... Alison: Oh, my bad.
Randa: What happens in Vegas... Tanicqua&Alek: ... Stays in Vegas. Me: Unless you go home braggin' about it.
Chelsea: I'm special, too...
Me: Alek, two days in a row you've made me hit some part of my hand or arm. I DON'T LIKE YOU! (haha)
*at taekwondo, where one of the black belts happens to be very cute* Me: *thinking* OMG, he smiled at me!
Me: Don't make me go all taekwondo on you...
Emily: We're distracting her so she can't drink her chocolate milk. Me: *to Kaylyn* Chug! Chug! Chug!
Me: Why are you always smarting off at me? Or rather, in your case, dumbing off at me.
*at lunch, I was looking for a straw* Me: *thinking* What the crap! Mom didn't send me a straw?! W... T... Oh, there it is!
Me: Well, don't have a conniption!
Alek: No, you wanna talk about random, my dad was telling me how to replace a car battery and I'm just standin' there like, "Doooonnnuuuuuuutttttssss...!"
*my classic line for when people are talking over me at lunch* Me: *smacks the table* YO! SHUT UP! I'M TALKIN'!
Me: I'm short, so I have a pretty good blood flow.
Me: We are on the moon!
*during a science test* Me: *thinking* Whoa, I must've screwed up somewhere. 'Cause if I'm right, this guy's huge!
Alek: Are you jealous?
Me: Can we play Go Fish?
*Keaton had black paper taped to his upper lip to look like he had a mustache* Me: Uh, Keaton, you got a little something right here...
*while playing MASH, I had to mark out Ferrari as one of my cars* Me: Nooo!
Ralph: Young Jeezy?! I don't listen to Young Jeezy! *no idea what he's talking about*
Keaton: I love choo-choo trains!
Me: He licked Ben's ear...
Rachel: He's just trying to skip class. Keaton: Shh! Nobody's supposed to know about that!
Me: Where were you? Tiffany: Walkin' around...
Me: I have the Hamster Dance stuck in my head.
Keaton: I like his shorts... *I worry about him and Ryan both*
Me: Did you know that people who have imaginary friends have really vivid imaginations and usually really high IQs? Emily: *turning around* Did you hear that, George?!
Autumn: When you played hide-and-go-seek as a kid and you were hiding, did you ever have to pee?
Andi: you didn't have to watch.. Andi: you could've just tapped space bar.. Me: ....... Me: F*** Me: YOU Me: -twitch- Andi: -cant breathe- ---------------------------- Me: "Towards the beginning of the movie, there was the fire scene- Billie said that a little fire had broke out in the studio and he stood there saying "fire,fire,fire,fire,fire,etc..."" Me: i can see this in many different ways Me: him bouncing each time he would say fire Me: or him just like Me: B: Fire....Fi-re...FIRE....DANG IT LISTEN TO ME THERE WAS A FIRE Marissa: i envision Marissa: b: -standing there in monotone voice and filing nails- fire... fire... fire... fire... ---------------------------- Chris: I laughed so hard I sprouted a tree on top of my head. ---------------------------- Me: every morning when the alarm goes off i have a little epic mental battle ---------------------------- Angie: Are you speaking directly to Jesus? I don't think He posts on this forum.
Me: Why does everybody always stare at me like that?
Me: I'm an inch taller than Annie Oakley!
*upon request, Nichole was quizzing me about Mitchel* Nichole: What kind of underwear does he wear? Me: DO I LOOK LIKE A STALKER?!?!?!
Me: NO! Mom: What? Me: *looking at a Sudoku puzzle* I cannot believe I did that! Crap! Mom: You mess up? Me: Yes. I can't believe I did that!
Me: How'd you know I was listening to my MP3 player?
*texting* Me: Is that an insult to Mitchel? Tiffany: No, ma'am.
Kaylyn: *offering me some cookies* Want some? Me: *almost hyperventalating* No. Empty calories. I can't.
*on the bus, we went over a speed bump* Tracy: Oww... Mama Mia, spicy pizza...!
Me: I tried to kick him, but he lifted his leg and my aim was a little off, so... yeah... that didn't go so well.
Alek: These cards mean absolutely SQUAT!
Me: Don't hurt yourself...
Carissa: I'm mean without permission. Me: *I thought this was quiet* We've noticed. Kalli: She burned you good, Carissa! She burned you like toast! Sam: Like toast and macaroni! Kalli: No, Sam...
One of my manager's has this really funny saying. Whenever he does something wrong or hears bad news, he says "oh poop." He has a funny way of saying it too. It's great.
Me: You need to shave your legs. Ryan: I'm a dude!
Me: I'm just crazy like that.
Alek: I'm hungry. Me: Sucks for you.
Me: What was I talking about?
Randa: I do not sound like that!
Me: I'm happier than someone who tried out for American Idol and got a golden ticket!
Me: There are four main food groups. Dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate, and chocolate truffles.
Me: Sometimes you just need to jump up and yell VICTORY!!!
Me: *sarcastically* Ha... ha. Keaton: If it's not funny, you don't have to laugh.
Keaton: I can make it rain. Me: Is that your super power? Keaton: Yes.
Bri: Wow, no comment on that. *that's, like, her catch phrase*
*MySpacing... naturally* Me: My handwriting kinda sucks. John: I know the feeling. I write like a cross-eyed child.
Alek: I just had coffee. *shows us his trembling hand* I need help.
Me: Has anyone ever called you Kathy? Kathleen: *pointing to Conner* That retard over there has.
Journalism teacher: *about Peter Answers* You're typing the answer. Peter doesn't know anything you don't. Me: But if you're typing the question, how are you typing the answer? Teacher: You're typing it in. Me: But you're typing in the question... Teacher: You're typing in the answer while you type in the question. Me: How? *other people were asking the same question* Teacher: Ya'll are retarded...
Spanish teacher: Yo soy una persona muy importante. *I am a very important person.* Me: ¡Yo tambien! *Me, too!*
*at the grocery store* Mom: We should get some cottage cheese. Me: Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssee...
Mom: Britt, short-story-version, please.
Me: *running like a psycho* The British are coming!!
Me: The hot sauce made the glue taste better.
Me: *drinking a latte* This is my first ever latte. This latte is really good. I like lattes. Latte, latte, latte, latte. Do I say "latte" too much? I dunno if I say "latte" too much. I mean, I just like lattes. Latte, latte, latte, latte, latte...
Me: It's really rude to talk about your mother like that, Alek. She brought you into this world, and she can very easily take you back out of it.
Me: OMG, shut up!
Me: Saying that Mitchel is ugly is like saying that the sky is green. He's hot, and the sky is blue.
Rachel: It contradicts itself.
Cameron: It's an oxymoron, just like jumbo shrimp.
Me: You wouldn't believe how close I came to ratting you out.
Mom: *to Dad* I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world! Me: And... what about me? Mom: Eh... Depends on what they offer.
-- Edited by fullyalive on Sunday 19th of April 2009 04:25:19 PM
Andi: what happened to heath?! YOU HAVENT MENTIONED HIM OVER A MONTH Me: idk Me: i havent had the time to sit down and watch tdk Me: too much Green Day news Andi: you take turns with your obsessions don't you? Me: the hamster in my head is being over worked Andi: ....... Andi: omg Andi: not you too ;_; Me: and sometimes Andi: GOTH BOY Me: that hamster trips on itself Andi: HAS AN F'ING SQUIRREL IN HIS HEAD Andi: NOW YOU Andi: HAVE AN F'ING HAMSTER Me: and just f---ing spins and it keeps going Me: then BAM Me: it falls out of the wheel Andi: watch this Andi: tomorrow Andi: shorty Me: and i go retared for a minute until it can Andi: is going to tell me she has a guinea pig Andi: in her mind Andi: and marissa Me: recollect itself Andi: will tell me she has a bunny in her head Andi: Andi: -literally falls on keyboard- Me: dude Me: i cant f---ing breathe Andi: WE ARE Andi: NUT Andi: CASES Me: I KNOW Me: and yes Me: i do Me: my obsessions take turns Andi: ... Andi: wait okay Andi: so if Me: but Green Day is always at the top Me: so i drop everything else and work on Green Day Andi: goth boy has a squirrel [every time i type/read/hear that effing word, I REMEMBER HOW THAT SPOILED BRAT SAID IT IN JD'S HORRIBLE VERSION OF CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY ] Me: which is why i seem more retarded than usual when big news comes out Andi: you have a hamster Andi: shorty assumingly has a guinea pig Me: cuz that hamster can get up quick enough Andi: marissa has a bunny Andi: what do i have? Andi: ... Andi: a ground hog? Me: [OMFG I DO TOO] Me: no you have Me: a chibi nick Andi: [ SO IT WASN'T ME!? LIKE THAT ENTIRE MOVIE. I WAS TWITCHING. CAUSE THE B---H DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO FREAKING PRONOUNCE THE FREAKING WORD ] Andi: .... Andi: i wouldn't.. Andi: advise that Me: O Me: OMG Andi: cause then Me: YOU KNOW TH- Me: -runs for pic- Andi: o.o Me: YOU HAVE THIS Me: http://hamsteraddict.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/copyright-to-got-pets-online.jpg Andi: AAWWW Andi: .. Me: YOU HAVE A TINY LITTLE ROBO HAMSTER Andi: wait then what do you have? Me: a gerbil Me: or Me: regular Me: hamster Me: im not quite sure Andi: i'm just very chibi to you, aren't i? Me: it's too retarded to figure it out itself Me: yes
Me: *watches Emily dip a Goldfish cracker in ketchup* Emily: Why are you staring at me like that? You look like you think I'm weird or something!
Rachel: You've been talking about it all week! Me: It's only Tuesday. Rachel: So far, the whole week. Me: The week's barely even started. Rachel: Two days into the week, and both days you've been talking about it! Me: *turns back around*
Alison: *rattles off in Chinese* Me: Can you teach me? Alison: No!
Me: He looks almost angry...
Me: They thought you were dead.
Autumn: So, would you consider yourself a rebel? A rebel against, like, all humanity? Me: Umm... Sometimes.
Hayley: That's not fair! They have Brittani and Nick on their team! [one of the few times when someone would say that about me]
*during social studies* Teacher: Get rid of that gum! My goodness, the cows on my farm don't chew their cud that much!
*social studies; partially charades, partially Catch-Phrase* Chelsea: 'Common Sense'. Class: THOMAS PAINE! JoBeth: I was about to say, Chelsea, you don't have any.
Me: You know what I like? Emily: What? Me: CHEESE!! *pulls some string cheese from lunchbox*
Josh: This bus is missing three things: bathroom, air conditioning, and TV. Me: No school buses have that, dear.
-- Edited by fullyalive on Tuesday 28th of April 2009 06:11:09 PM
Me: Everybody... SHUT UP!!!! Tiffany: Love you, too, Brittani...
Morgan (guy friend) : I'm showing Cody how to get a girl. So, we should go and get some pizza sometime... pizza and pepperoni. Me: Yeah, I like pepperoni pizza. Morgan: *to Cody* See? That's how you do it! Me: *thinking* You're retarded...
Alison: *takes my water bottle* Me: Give it back! Alison: Nope. *takes a swig of it* Me: *jaw drops* Oh, no! It don't work like that! Alison: Yes, it does!
Me: Do you know what I was craving in the middle of the test? Emily: What, chocolate? Me: Jelly donuts.
*during 'tennis'* Me: *in pain* Nunchucks!
Rachel: You're not a very good stalker, Brittani. Me: I DON'T STALK HIM!
Me: His shoes actually smelled like they were new...
Olivia: The sweet sound of torture!
Me: This is my second time *to watch "Phantom of the Opera"* today, that's just sad!
Me: Honest! On the bus on Monday, she seriously said she thought Mitchel Musso is "super delicious"! Kaylynn: *nervously* No, I didn't...
Dad: It's a stress ball. You know what it's for? Me: It's really squishy, so when you're stressed, you just squeeze it and relieve your stress. Dad: Nope. *tosses it at my head* It's for that.
Mom: I'm gonna get some sparring gear, and then I can beat you. Me: No, that's not abusive at all...
Me: So, I was doing push-ups, and he squats down in front of me. His feet are kinda spread apart and his knees were out, so what's at eye-level? Kaylynn: *cringes* Well, how far away was he? Me: *measures* About yay-far... *wasn't to far, actually* Kaylynn: Wow, that must've been awkward!
Last week, Emily invited me and Kaylynn to her out-of-town birthday party. Good times. lol
Emily: Rise and shining! Me: You rise. You shine. Emily's dad: I have Krispy Kremes! Who wants some? Me: OUT OF MY WAY!!
*at the waterpark* Emily: We're gonna meet over there. Me: Okay. Kaylynn: What? Me: She said she thinks Mitchel Musso is really super-delicious.
*the hotel was the Great Wolf Lodge* Me: It's the great wolf of great wolfiness!
*we were contemplating prank-calling Ryan* Emily: We should act like he won a bunch of free Urban Decay makeup! Me: I would love to get that call.
Me: When my cell phone contract expires, I'm thinking about getting a phone like that. Emily: Are you going to get a new rhinestone case for it so your grandpa can break it again?
*while I was still about half-asleep* Emily's sister Erin: Are you still alive? Me: No. I'm a zombie. Erin: But then you'd be decomposing... Me: Then I'm a vampire. Erin: But then you'd burn up and die in the light. Me: Not all vampires burn up and die in the light. Some sparkle. Erin: But then you'd be sparkling. Me: That's only in sunlight.
Kaylynn: In my dream, everything was in black and white. Except for you, Brittani. You were wearing a pretty red dress, red lipstick, pink shoes... and your hair was black.
*at a restaurant* Erin: Emily, do you want some chicken to go with your ketchup?
Elle (Bri decided to change her nickname. lol): We get to see our classes tomorrow! Me: We do? Elle: That's what Spidey said!
Me: Clarinets are hardcore!
Me: This one time, at band camp... *nuff said. haha*
Me: On a scale of one to crazy, I'm a PENGUIN!!
*having lunch after an out-of-town taekwondo tournament* Me: *turns around, sees nothing, shrugs, turns back around* Mom: What? Me: I thought I saw Grace for a second, and I'm just thinking, "HOLY SEPHORA!!"
Nichole: I'm making a video for YouTube! Me: Let me guess. It's Naruto-related...
That's pretty much what I remember. Hopefully one of my weird friends will say something dumb soon. lol
Title says it all, right? Something funny/stupid/whatever you or someone else said. Put it here! Maybe we can laugh about it, just like you and your friends probably did n__n
I'll start with some I had.
Me: *pokes Yen.* Y: Who did that? ö Me: I don't know... Yen: Who poked me? Me: I did. Yen: But you just said that... Me: I'm very sneaky... But, you know what? Yen: What? Me: I didn't poke you... Yen: You didn't? Me: Yes, I did. Yen: What? You're confusing me! Me: Okay... But who poked you? *Yen walks away, annoyed xD*
-- Edited by Nien. at 14:18, 2009-02-24
Your friend name Yen ,sound like a Vietnamese name , just curious cuz im a Vietnamese too