I personally think the hair was a great idea. Don't get me wrong its cute, makes him look so young again but i think to many girls were focused on his locks instead of his voice. And he has a amazing voice to be heard if everyone wasnt distracted with playing with his hair (im guilty lol) but still i think it was a excellent choice.
You know, the people who watch Mitchel are very mixed. Many didn't like his long hair. They thought it was too long. They told him he should get it cut short. Now, it's super short and many people aren't that fond of it.
I kind of like the discussion that goes on. Though, I agree with MandieJo. People focused too much on his looks and not enough on his talent.
Thanks Ally. So much fame is based on peoples looks and images. Who they are seen with what they like ect... that the fact they are talented is just lost. I will admit i was not a huge mitchel musso fan for some time. i am guilty of watching hannah montana even at 20 (21 this saturday woot) but i still love disney movies the best lion king, hercules, mulan, the list goes on and on and on. Secondhand Lions was another of my favorite movies but i had no idea mitchel musso even played in it until about a month ago. Or that he was even mason musso's brother lol cause i am a big fan of metro station. Thats how i ran across mitchel's music was on youtube looking up masons songs heard his in crowd LOVED it the sound everything was great. But the best i think so far for me is going to be odd man out i have the 10second clip from his youtube recorded onto my phone and use it for almost everyones ring tone i love hearing it. I am as guilty as every girl wanting to play with mitchels mussos hair but im lucky enough to have a bf with almost the same hair style (if he cuts it im beating him) i do like his new look on him it is more the rocker look which is where i think if mitchel musso continues with his music is where he will (should) end up.
I was very surprised when Mitchel cut his hair. I'm so used to it being long and I loved it that way. Mitch always said how much he loved his hair so it was really unexpected.
The new look is starting to grow on me though. It was a huge change but I'm starting to get used to it. Long hair or short, Mitchel is still Mitchel and no matter what style he chooses to sport, he's still super talented and sweet. With the tour coming, I can understand why he cut it. The long hair must have been a hassel to control while performing.
-- Edited by Amberalwayz on Tuesday 12th of May 2009 10:16:18 PM
Thanks Ally. So much fame is based on peoples looks and images. Who they are seen with what they like ect... that the fact they are talented is just lost. I will admit i was not a huge mitchel musso fan for some time. i am guilty of watching hannah montana even at 20 (21 this saturday woot) but i still love disney movies the best lion king, hercules, mulan, the list goes on and on and on. Secondhand Lions was another of my favorite movies but i had no idea mitchel musso even played in it until about a month ago. Or that he was even mason musso's brother lol cause i am a big fan of metro station. Thats how i ran across mitchel's music was on youtube looking up masons songs heard his in crowd LOVED it the sound everything was great. But the best i think so far for me is going to be odd man out i have the 10second clip from his youtube recorded onto my phone and use it for almost everyones ring tone i love hearing it. I am as guilty as every girl wanting to play with mitchels mussos hair but im lucky enough to have a bf with almost the same hair style (if he cuts it im beating him) i do like his new look on him it is more the rocker look which is where i think if mitchel musso continues with his music is where he will (should) end up.
well said (:
well..I like the short hair more and more every day...and like Amberalwayz said...it's still mitchel (:
i prefered his old hair.. escpecially the way it was in his music video 'Hey' where it was long, poofy and all styled. but it is his hair he should have it look the way he want to and not the way his fans want it. I just hope he did not cut his hair bc of what his fans said ( saying it was too long and everything) but cut it bc he wanted to cut it.
I really liked his old hair, it gave him so much personality to his look. When I saw his new hair I was like 'OMG he changed his hair!' but I knew that I would get used to it soon. And now I think it looks awesome!!
You know, the people who watch Mitchel are very mixed. Many didn't like his long hair. They thought it was too long. They told him he should get it cut short. Now, it's super short and many people aren't that fond of it.
I kind of like the discussion that goes on. Though, I agree with MandieJo. People focused too much on his looks and not enough on his talent.
Ah, the two extremes... haha Personally, I really liked the longer hair better. Actually when I first saw the new 'do, I was (to say the least) shocked. Even those times when it was just a few inches, I would always go, "*gasp!* Omigosh! Mitchel Tate Musso, what have you DONE?!?!?!"