I went to your 4 oclock concert at the toronto zoo. I had sooo much fun. Me and my friend were the two girls in the third row on your left who screamed alot and sang along to all the songs (And who your band members laughed at)
When I saw you by the gorillas, the security said you had to leave. But I yelled your name and you looked over and I asked for a picture and you said " Yeah, sure no problem". I was socked that you didn't say "No I have to go". So thank you for doing that, you are really a great guy.
I love how your so down to earth. You dress like a normal guy and don't act like your a big shot. You are big but not as big as the Jonas brothers. Your music is Fantastic! Its got a whole different sound, and they are all upbeat even the more slower songs still have a good beet to them.
Anyways, thanks for being you.
Hope you come back to Canada. :) -Janice♥
♪I'm Covered In Rain, But It Feels Just Like Its The Sun♪
mitchel can you plzz come back to toronto! i missed your concert and was soooo upset :( i wish i could meet you!! thats my biggest dream!! i really hope i can talk to or even just be in the same place with you