I am slammed against a locker. "Freak," yells the girl who pushed me! Everyone laughs, I try to remind calm and not give them the satisfaction of seeing me alone and in pain.
I muttered, "Why does everyone have to act like a total..." but the bell rings breaking my final sentence. It's not the end. The girl who pushed me, asks, "what we're you going to say?"
I strutted, "n-n-n-nothing, nothing!" She smirks, "That's what I thought." She pushes me again, and I fall flat on my butt. She stands over me like a tower. Than a voice, a male's voice calls out, "She's not worth it, Jess! So just leave her alone."
I turn to see where the voice was coming from. To my surprise, it's the cute boy I had a crush on. He had brown straight hair, and brown eyes. He had smooth, white skin. He was the one everyone referred to as JB, the initials of his first and last name which was Justin Bieber.
He was the most popular kid in school. But like all popular people, he had a girlfriend. And if you guessed, who he was dating? And you're answer is Jess. You were right.
Jess had long red hair that was wavy and went down to her shoulders. She had green cat eyes, and tan skin. But she was tougher than me. I was naturally weak, and I couldn't defend myself.
She glanced up at JB, and smiled. "You're right, babe. She's.." She glared at me. "Not worth my time." She kissed him on the lips right in front of me.
She knew a lot of people liked her boyfriend including me; but Jess remain calm she knew JB would never go after any other girl than her.
I got up, leaving the two to kiss. Tears dripped down to my face and I was off heading to the bathroom.
I began to plot my revenge. I wanted her to feel like me a loser; to look in the mirror and hate what she saw. There was only one way to do it; steal JB away. But how could I steal his heart away from her?
I reached the restroom, but heard JB's voice. "HEY!"
I spun around and turned. This was my moment to shine..
So what do you think?
-- Edited by Pikachu7890 on Sunday 25th of April 2010 12:28:31 AM