This one's a little quirkier than most. Basically, you go through the names, and after Marc's name comes up, the next poster will post with "woot" and the next can post a random word/phrase. ex. 1: Mason 2: Mitchel 3: Marc 4: w00t! 5: In Crowd Mason-- Edited by fullyalive on Saturday 18th of...
I found this video of him talking about how much he loves his fans!!!!!! thats soooo nice of him ughhhh sooooi cuute!
So before you read the story, some of you may have read this on Quizilla on my account if not then cool. Just to let you know I did write this, all I have right now is chapters 1-6. I'll be updating and stuff. Anyways, enjoy the story!Here's the summary that I put on Quizilla for those who want a little info.:...