Okay my story is... My friend had just came home from her trip to Florida, and there she heard about Metro Station. She played 'Shake It' for me, and I became a MS fan. Later that week I wanted to know everything about MS, and I found Mitchel :D First I looked at his pic and I was like "well that's propably worth checking out.." and I just... wanted to know everything about him too :DD AND before that I hated Hannah Montana, actually I didn't even know what it is, then I found out Mitchel is in it, and I wanted my parents to buy me Disney Channel, and they did :D Then I found MMO, and that is pretty much my story.. I think :DD
I guess you could say I was a fan since Life is Ruff in a way. That's when I first noticed Mitchel. I dunno what it was but I thought he seemed so awesome. When Hannah Montana came out I didn't watch because I didn't think I'd like it. My friends talked about it and sometimes my little bro would watch so around April/May of this year I tuned it to give it a chance. I became a huge Mitchel fan right away. I forgot Mitchel was on the show until I watched and put two and two together that he was from Life is Ruff. Now, I'm a fangirl I guess you could say. Lol. Just kidding. I'm a huge fan though. So, that's my story. =]
I first saw Mitchel in Hannah Montana, before I even knew about Life is Ruff or any of his other movies. I thought he was hilarious, but it wasn't until last April that I became a HUGE fan of his. I went to one of his concerts, not even knowing he could sing, and he just blew me away. I got to meet him twice, and I hung out with Marc for a while at the DC Games 2008, and now I just love the entire Musso family. They're such sweet, down to earth people. And they're so talented. =]
Hannah Montana came on the Dutch television. My friend said: "Omg, you have to watch that! It's so cool! It's from Disney." I was like: "Disney? I'm not a little kid anymore!" So I didn't watch it. And then one time I watched it, AND I LOVED IT! And I thought Mitchel was hot. So I listened to his music and now... Addicted xD
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
Ever since fourth grade, I had a MASSIVE crush on Ricky Ullman. Then Phil of the Future stopped airing. I thought it was "suspicious" that Hannah started airing around that time. So, needless to say, I blamed HM. Phil didn't come on for a while, so I practically hated Miley for that (Me: "YOU BRAT! YOU KICKED RICKY OFF THE AIR! YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" yeah, I was crazy). Convinced that there was nothing I could do, I had once watched Hannah since nothing else was on, anyway. I thought that Oliver and Jackson were the funniest, so they were my fave characters (besides, Miley and Lilly were everyone else's faves, so I wanted to be a rebel). That evolved into, "The guy who plays Oliver's really cute. I wonder who he is?" I read the credits and found out it was Mitchel Musso. Then, the explosion of dying to find out everything there is to know about him started.
If you're a Miley fan, don't kill me, but I get a little jealous of her... and Emily. What? They get to spend a lot of time with Mitch!
P.S. I had seen Monster House wwaay before then and loved it, but since Mitchel was in it? Yeah, it became one of my favorites.
fullyalive wrote: If you're a Miley fan, don't kill me, but I get a little jealous of her... and Emily. What? They get to spend a lot of time with Mitch!
I sooooooooooooo agree xD
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
fullyalive wrote: If you're a Miley fan, don't kill me, but I get a little jealous of her... and Emily. What? They get to spend a lot of time with Mitch!
I sooooooooooooo agree xD
Mhhhm Me to!
Haha life is a game and I dont have luck in my life so do I have luck in Love then?
Well, you know... You can go on for hours like that. 'I'm jealous of Billy Ray...' 'I'm jealous of Moises...' We're just jealous of everyone who gets to spend a lot of time with him xD
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
Some people are like, "What the crap?! Why don't you like Miley?!" and I'm just like, "I'm jealous that she gets to be around Mitchel so much, so don't eat me!" lol
I've always liked Mitchel on HM but for some reason some time during the second season I noticed him more and started loving him. And I'm also jealous of everyone around Mitchel!! Mostly Emily. Before, I liked the Jonas Brothers and I couldn't stand Demi Lovato because of that same reason. I thought I had a jealousy problem, I'm sooo glad to know that other people feel the same way!!! :)
-- Edited by musiccrazy407 on Wednesday 8th of July 2009 08:24:30 PM
I thought I had a jealousy problem, I'm sooo glad to know that other people feel the same way!!! :)
-- Edited by musiccrazy407 on Wednesday 8th of July 2009 08:24:30 PM
Yeah, I'm real bad about that, too. No matter who the guy is that I like, there's always at least one chick that I end up practically hating just because she's friendly to him (or spends loads of time with him...) lol
-- Edited by fullyalive on Saturday 11th of July 2009 06:17:12 PM