I think 2009 will be Mitchel's year! Either way, it's going to be big, fun and exciting.
- His Debut CD will be out in April - His new DCOM with Jason Dolley called "Hatching Pete" will premiere in March - He'll continue performing around the country - New episodes of "Hannah Montana" will air - He'll continue to appear in teen magazines - etc.
More to come, these are just things most people know about. What are you looking forward to?
hi! i'm from argentina and i just want to say that i like hannah montana and i ussualy enter to radiodisney.com and check mitchel's interview, and i heard the in crowd, i think it's great, i can't wait to the movie of hannah montana, but hope that mitchel's cd comes to argentina, if not when i go in holydays to USA i'll buy it haha lol!
mitchel: you are going to have a really awesome year in 2009!