Do not under any circumstances post your address or postal code! Your account will be deleted if we see this.
No pornographic images or links
No swears throughout your bio
Only one account per person, multiple accounts will be deleted
Avatars and signatures must not be threatening, disrespectful or have any pornographic images
Only youtube as well as iTunes links can be posted for downloads.
No pornographic photos, as well as must be related to the topic you are posting in.
No bashing celebrities, everyone is entitled to their opinion so please be polite about it.
If you have any questions relating to a contest or possibly having Mitchel join the forums every once in a while feel free to ask, however do not bash myself or Ally's inbox asking.
No forum spamming please, if you spam the forums to get your total posts up, they will all be deleted as well, further action will be taken
No racial remarks in any way
Make sure posts are about the topic
Do not post full names of anyone. If you wish to post your own you may but be aware this is the internet!
No advertisements, chain letters or pyramid schemes
Before posting on a topic take a quick look to see if there is already the same topic rolling around
Please make sure not to post your email on the direct forum! If it is posted it will be deleted
Donottypelikethis, or LiKe ThIs. This is a form of spam!
You will be warned twice, the third time will result in further action. Make sure to keep checking in every once in a while to see if anything else has been added!
-- Edited by Nathan on Thursday 15th of April 2010 12:16:26 AM