Well, the weird thing is; We're friends again xD But I'm gonna chat with you guys; YOGA! I would like to do Yoga. My cousin went to Brazil one time for a week, just to do yoga. It was a whole yoga-weekend. Yoga on the beach, yoga in the pool. Yoga everywhere! I think yoga is cool! 8'D
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
schlitterbahn is a waterpark.. i always forget that its mainly in texas XD it's america's greatest waterpark. schlitterbahn means slipper road..or something along that line XD
i think the only way that plan would work...is if Mitchel was with us. but that sounds like a 20% chance of it happening XD and i know...im a total killjoy Y.Y
-- Edited by GreenDay_Lover on Monday 1st of June 2009 10:43:58 PM
i was shocked that odd man out was not my favorite song. i enjoyed it but i think my favorite is get out actually closer to my normal kind of music anyone else?
lol was saying i was built up on mitchels odd man out song and it didnt end up being my favorite on his album. Instead its the get out and movin in and didnt have to walk away. Just caught up with what everyone was talking about water park sounds great your buying right nathan? :P
Wow. I have got to find less problematic friends. Yesterday I heard one of my best friends has cut himself, and I had to talk to him for a long time. And that evening my other best friend had to break up with his boyfriend. He wasn't gonna see him for a while, so he had to do it by phone. And I had to support him, so I was sitting next to him My BF was crying, his boyfriend yelling. I kept hugging him, holding his hand. Now it's over, but he hasn't slept all night. So tonight I'm going to his house again, try to make him happy. He had to break up. His boyfriend was 18, he 14. He was ready for a lot of things he wasn't ready for at all.
So... I had to tell that to someone xD
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
Bummer...Look at it this way, would you REALLY want life to be predictable? Would you really wanna wake up knowing nothing sweet was gunna happen or where you were going to end up in 10 years? Take life as it is. Enjoy every second of it even if it sucks sometimes
im about to get really offtopic... but i woke up this morning and got on here, got onto the Green Day forum im on, and i found a thread talking about the graffi from the album... fans have started graffiing the art of the album onto the wall of their streets..
but then others have to come diss on that.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dogmatic/3556371870/
you know...they arent put the stuff up as an ad for the new album. all the artwork is stencil and it's easy to do. then people go and do something like this... what once was art is now killed with SLAYER over it.
....sorry...i hate it when stuff like that happens...i'll be walking down the streets in Austin. and see cool graff, but it's ruined because someone else thought it sucked..so they go over it with something stupid. it can be gang related...but other wise...it's just art -.-
That's not off topic! Its a chat, talk about pretty much anything and everything. It sucks to see that stuff. Some graffiti is soooo amazing, some of it really makes you go wow, but there will always be someone who thinks its hilarious to ruin someone else' work or someones art...Major bummer
i knew what the convo was about.. Green Day's artwork IS graffi XD so when u said "Hah well there is some where i am." my eyes got big but then i realized that u just meant graffi XD and not the artwork lol
no... but i refuse to get a job in my town. it's either fast food places or walmart or HEB.. no fast food for me..ever. walmart and HEB get flooded so much everyday that everyone is surprised a lot of people havent quit o-o
hahaha. i do Graphic Designing ;) people have asked me to make them shirts or something. told me i'd get about 50 dollars or more for a shirt XD for the materials and for me. so i'd get about 30 dollars for making a shirt.
In the town I live, we have this superbig sauna. And the idea is; Me and my friend are going to work there! Do the dishes or something. I have to walk 100 meters, and I'm there xD
I really need money xD
I wonder what it's like to have it all, to never be affraid that I would fall... <3
Yeah, I'm so excited, tomorrow I'm going to fly to England :) ... but my best friend is a bit ill and I hope, that she can come with me. if not, I'm alone with some boys and I have to sleep in a room with people I don't know. Oo
If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?♥