i just joined five minutes ago, and i don't know where to post this, so I'm going to put it here....
I'm going to sort of "review" it like a newspaper cuz it's more fun. I'm also going to include his opening bands too. Here goes:
I went to a Mitchel Musso concert on 5/24/09 at Rockettown. They had 2 opening groups, one being the star of How to Eat Fried Worms, Luke Benward, and the other being Troma, and two main groups, LeLand Grant, and, of course Mitchel Musso.
First, let me say that this was my first concert in over 11 years and it was amazing.
Second, let me expain how they had the venue set up. It was a club setting with no seats or anything. It was like a basement sorta. The best part, though, was that there was no space or guards between me or the the stage. I got there hours early so i was one of the first ones into the stage area, which means i was also right at the stage.
The concert was a little over 2 and a half hours.
The first opening act, Luke Benward, did pretty well. I liked his voice and his outfit was awesome, but he couldn't perform very well. He didn't move around all that much except pacing the stage, and doing an occasional step or two that his background dancers did. His voice was also tired after just one song, but i enjoyed his performance. He did a song with his dad i liked, and one of his background dancers sang his harmonies (i think it may have been his sister, but i don't know). She looked super excited to be on stage singing, since she couldn't stop grinning. She was nervous, though too, i'm assuming, since she didn't get very many of the notes right. I don't blame her or him, though, they were new to the performing part of music, and the reason they were opening acts was so they could perfect it before bigger performances. Overall, though, I liked his performance, and wasn't too disappointed. His music was pretty good. Rating: 7/10
There were some guys that danced on stage for a bit while they were changing acts, and I'll call them act 1.5 because they were also part of act 2. They were AMAZING!! These men could dance like crazy! One of the dancers, ran to our side of the stage, saw me and took off my hat. It was funny. Rating: 8/10
The second opening act: Troma. I thought she had a great voice, and it had an interesting quality, like Britney Spears or someone like that, but i couldn't stand her music. She did Christian Techno Pop (or something), but the worst part was that she made it corny by trying to add hip-hop to it. It just didn't work. The only thing that kept the audience interested was her dancers (the same ones in act 1.5). Her voice is amazing, I will give her that, but her music needs a lot work. Rating: 5/10
Now on to the "main acts."
LeLand Grant: At first, I was kind of disappointed to hear that the man who played Keith Partridge after David Cassidy left was going to be singing. I honestly expected corny bubblegum pop music. Instead, when his band came out, I saw an amazing rock show. Even the crowd, who by then would groan when anyone but Mitchel came out, got into the music. He was very impressive. I was especially impressed by one of his guitarists. In four songs, that man played guitar (acoustic and electric), a mandolin, a violin, AND he sang background. Stars: 10/10
Mitchel Musso: When I saw him on Hannah Montana, I didn't see him as a singer, let alone live music performer. The song "The In Crowd" changed my mind on the singing part, but i was still curious to see if he could still sound that good on stage, let alone keep up the energy with his movement, etc. I can't explain how amazed I was by his performance. He ran and jumped and I couldn't stop staring. I got shoved into the stage when he came near by girls trying to touch his hand. They had good reason. At one point, girls were typing stuff into their phones then holding it out for him to read. He actually picked up one girl's phone in the middle of a song, looked at the screen for a few seconds, then gave the phone back and winked at her. He definitely know he's popular....... Now, on to his singing abilities: He didn't use use his earpiece at all. When he knew he was about to hit a complicated note, he'd just hold his hand to his ear for a few seconds while he hit the note, then dropped his hand and kept singing. His voice only cracked twice near the end, and even though the music and the crowd were deafening, he was on key the rest of his set. He was fantastic. Stars: 10/10
I am buying LeLand Grant and Mitchel Musso's CDs. It's as easy as that.
Random notes/comments: Mitchel has lost a lot of weight! It's weird because he never look that fat to begin with.... Also, when he held out certain notes, his chin would shake. That is usually a sign that you haven't been properly trained. That makes me even more amazed that he can sing like that without proper voice training. That's rare.
I wrote that when i got back, and the part about his lack of vocal training is an assumption, so tell me if I'm wrong.
The only reason this is so detailed is because I produce/write/etc music, so I'm more observant about the little things than most. I just wanted to say this so you know I didn't copy and paste this from anywhere. I REALLY WROTE IT!!
I just realized that I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this.... No one else has done it, so just tell me if I have to take it off, and i will immediately.
Interesting and fun review. Thanks so much for writing it and sharing it with us. I thought I was the only one who liked to write such reviews on the Internet, no, just kidding
i went to one too!!!!! last friday at the grove it was so cool he signed autographs after and everything!!! this site has a bunch of backstage stuff on the concert and interviewing with him and everything! its really cool and it shows him performing with miley http://fanlala.com/star/mitchelmusso/video/823
I went to a concert to. Of all the concerts I went to his was the best. A lot of energy, he just made you wanna dance! Lol Im hoping to go to another when he comes back to my area!
It is so great to hear all the positive feedback! Mitchel's shows have improved quite a bit since he started. Many new tour dates have been posted - hope some of you can see him!
I'm going in a couple of weeks, to one of the Metro Station shows where he's opening. I'm so excited! I'll probably be the only one there more excited for the opening acts than the main act. I'm probably also the only one who bought tickets b/c of the openers, & not the main act. Metro's okay, but Mitchel & Evan... I hope it's going to be amazing. Especially after the last concert I went to being such a disappointment.
^^ The one that was a disappointment? Boys Like Girls. I have to admit, I didn't go for me, but still...I was looking forward to it, & I left feeling like I'll never really like them again.
I went to the 4 oclock show at the Toronto Zoo! Omg Me and My friend sang to every song and danced in our seats and screamed at the top of our lungs!!!
We saw him look over at us a couple of times (We were in the third row) and we screamed even more....
Then during one part, Mitchel said something so I screamed and my friend joined me....only to find out that we were the only ones screaming and LeLand looked over at us and laughed and everyone looked at us....it was sooo funny!
But Omg I cant beleve how great he is! So many people said that he lip syncs.....so thats what me and my friend were looking for when he was singing.....and I will tell you that its not true....its alll him! Hes Just THAT good!
♥ I hope he comes back to Toronto!
♪I'm Covered In Rain, But It Feels Just Like Its The Sun♪
I'm going to one of his concerts in San Diego in September. I bought a VIP ticket, and I'm hoping that the VIP tickets get you a front row seat. We're in the process of finding out. Oh, but one not so good thing is that I can't go with a friend. My dad has to take me, it's the rules of the venue. But oh well. My dad will be invisible once Mitchel comes on stage and I start screaming!
I'm going to one of his concerts in San Diego in September. I bought a VIP ticket, and I'm hoping that the VIP tickets get you a front row seat. We're in the process of finding out. Oh, but one not so good thing is that I can't go with a friend. My dad has to take me, it's the rules of the venue. But oh well. My dad will be invisible once Mitchel comes on stage and I start screaming!
Haha, that's funny. Sorry you are unable to go with a friend.