Mitchel going on tour with Miley would be awesome. They'd put on a great show. Though, Mitchel has dreamed of touring with Metro Station, so that is awesome for him. He'll be hitting more cities with this tour, so it's good news for the Fans.
Yeah...but touring with Metro Station means that he gets to spend time with his brother. He probably sees more of Miley than he does of Mason most of the time.
True... I think it's awesome if he tours with either of them. I'd prefer to go to a Mitchel/Miley concert, but whatever Mitchel does is cool with me! I think it's awesome how he's wanted to tour with Metrostation and now he's getting to do it! (I'd go to any concert as long as I have good seats =) )
-- Edited by musiccrazy407 on Tuesday 21st of July 2009 01:18:36 PM
^^ Seats? THAT would be nice. Our venue only has seats upstairs @ the bar, & unless you're drinking, they don't want you up there. The floor is fine, until you get that nice group of kids who start shoving & trying to take you to the floor. Every concert I go to, I come home with new bruises. Luckily, I've only been kicked in the eye once, headbutted by a guitarist once, spit on by a drummer get where this is going, right?