Chapter 1
"I can't live on without you," I cried to Alex.
"Yes, you can..You're strong..I love you, Mitchel. I got to go now..Mitchel..I love you..Mitchel, Mitchel, Mitchel!"
Ms. Honey was yelling at me. I was in my own little world. I shock myself. "Uh..Sorry, Ms. Honey..."
"Is there something you wish to share?"
"Good. Now let's get back to work.."
I slid down in my chair, looking in my book.
Sigh. Why did you have to leave?
I always wanted to hold you forever. Now I can't.
I started drawing a picture of a man hanging himself on the back of my test, which I didn't know. Yes, it was in pen.
"Alright, turn in your tests. No more minutes, Mitchel!"
I turned my paper over, and cleared off my desk. I handed her my test. Clearing off my desk, I thought I put the drawing of the man hanging himself in my backpack, but it was now in Ms. Honey's hands.
Ms. Honey started grading..
A couple hours, she looked up at me. With wondered eyes. I had my head down, playing with my pencil.
The bell rang for lunch..
"Alright, everyone, I'll pass back your tests when you return!"
Everyone was gone, expect for me. I took my time to find my lunch money, which was in my backpack.
I sighed..Looking at it. I decided to leave it there. Ms. Honey was observing my every move.
Tears stared falling upon my cheeks. "Oh, sorry. Ms. Honey," I said waping my tears away. "I was just about to leave."
"I--Mitchel, are you okay? Are you having a problem?"
"No, I'm fine.." I lied, I looked away so she couldn't see my tears.
"Mitchel, I'd like you to go to the counselor's office, after you eat lunch.."
"I'm not hungry."
"Very well, then..To the counselors' office then."
"But i don't have--"
"No buts, now get your butt down there.."
I slowly walked down to the counselor's office. Even if I did talk about Alex, she didn't have super magical powers to bring Alex back to life...
"Mr. Musso, Ms. Jones the counsler is ready to see you," said the lady at the front desk. I smiled, thanking her, then walked back to where Ms. Jones' office was. "Sit, Mr. Musso. Please." I sat down on her leathery black chair. the room smelled like apples, she had candles sitting on shelves. "So, Ms. Honey tells me you seemed trouble. Is there something going on, you'd like to talk about?" She said her eyes catching mine. "Not, really.." "Ok. Mr. Musso, I can sense something is wrong, and this thing is bugging you." "More like ripping the insides of me," I growled under my breath. "Sorry, what?" "Nothing." She took her red glasses off, and sighed. She had red hair, shoulder length. And white skin. And green eyes. "Mitchel, hun. I talk to a lot of students in here, so whatever the problem is I'm sure we can fix it, so that the problem is no longer there." "Like earse my memory. LIKE BRING ALEX EVANS BACK ALIVE! I LOST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, DUED TO ONE STUPID ILLNESS!" Ms. Jones sat there, looking plain. "I see...And what illness was that then?" "Cancer." "Ah, Cancer. There is a way for you to see her again, you know that?" "What?" She winked, and everything went bright like a bright light flashing in my eyes. as if you were in a hospital, and the doctors were just about to start your surgecy because you were now falling asleep. I didn't know what happened, but it felt as if I was knocked out..A voice echoed inside my head, it was more like a scream. "ALEX?" I yelled. No responce. "ALEX!" Still nothing. I laid down in the darkness, hiding myself from the world, and started to cry. I didn't know why I was crying, but it felt good to let out my tears. I didn't understand what was going on. What did Ms. Jones mean by "There's a way for you to see her again?" Maybe the lady was nuts. Who knows? But mostly, I kept thinking maybe I'm dreaming now, and just knocked out. But how did I just pass out like that?
I woke up..I realized I was tied up to a tree. "What's going on here?" "Dinner..That's what's going on here," shierked a voice. I turned around and saw a lady. She had pale white skin, red eyes, and black hair. She had fangs! YES, FANGS! Like vampire fangs or werewolve fangs.
"Don'tcha wanna see you're beloved Alex again," she asked?
"Who are you, and how do you know about Alex," I cried, struggling to break free?
But I contuined, my wrists started to feel numb. So I finally stopped.
"My name is Laura Moonlight, and I'm a vampire..."
"So what are you..."
"I hope you have good tasting blood..." Laura made an evil laugh, that echoed in the room.
"HELP," I yelled, but it sounded dry! "HELP!" She grabbed my lips. Forcing them fowards. "Don't make me do stuff that we both know is illegal."
I stared at her my eyes glaring at her. "Now, if you want to see Alex. You have to trust me."
"Why should I trust you?"
"Because Alex's isn't dead."
"That's not true. I saw her die!"
"Silly boy. I gave her medince that made her fall asleep, and make it look like she died. Then I transformed her into a vampire."
"So, why did you tie me to a tree!"
"Because I know Alex would find you..You have two chooses Mitchel. One you can turn into a vampire, see your beloved Alex, and not be killed by her. Or you remain a human, see alex, and possibly, just possibly, she might try to kill you!"
"But, Alex isn't like that! She loves me!"
"She doesn't have the capably to control her hungier, she could kill you, or turn you into a zombie. Believe me, I know everything about girls who can't control their hungier problems."
"I'm going to see her, I'm not becoming one of you."
"Your suicide.."
I glarred at her. She bite off the ropes, and told me to follow her, together we walked down the road towards an abandon home.
Inside the house, the floors were made of wood. It had spider webs dangling down from the walls. I walked slowly inside, the floors were cricking. Some of the flooring had fallen out. I was near the broken stairway, the flooring broke. I screamed, and almost fell, but Laura caught me. "Be careful, Musso," she hissed at me!
"Laura is that you," cried a dry, weak voice? "Yes, its me.." she repiled. Then we all walked into the living room, and there was Alex. Laying on the old, dirty sofa. I ran over to her. "Alex, finally at least I see you," I said tears falling. "Mitchel?" She grabbed the back my neck, moving me closer to her. So, her nose was close to my neck. "Alex, they say you were a killer, but I know my alex. She wouldn't hurt me..Not unless, she recognized me..And heard everything about how I feel about her." Alex looked up at me, weak tired eyes. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. Poor baby!
"Alex. You know how I was always teasing you, and then in high school. I started chasing you. And wanting to be yours.."
"Yes. Mitchel.." She inhale the air, then her eyes rolled back.
"Well..It's because.."
Alex, pushed me to the ground. She took her fangs out. Had me to the ground.
"Laura, help me!" I yelled. I looked back, but Laura wasn't there.
"No, Alex. Please! DON'T!"
Tears fell..
She lean her head close, and bite my neck. I gasped. I was having troubles breathing, but it didn't stop me from telling her.
"Alex Evans," I gasped.
She looked at me. Her eyes went deep into mine.
"It's because I love you.."
She let go of me, her bite marks left a mark.
I gasped, a bunch of tears feel from my eyes.
"Mitchel," Alex cried.
Alex took out a knife, and cut herself.
"Drink my blood. It's the only way to save you. I can't lose you. Mitchel, I just can't."
Mitchel looked into my eyes.
"Trust me!"
"I can't kill like you..."
"Please...It's the only way!"
"Sorry...Alex. I can't."
I closed my eyes...and faded away...Leaving Alex to cry.
I cried, holding mitchel in my lap. "Now I'll never hear you say it to our future kids, never hear you say I love you. Over and over again, until your throat gets dry..I'll never feel your dry cold lips press against mine. We'll never marry. You were the one, Mitchel. The one I wanted to spend my entire life with!"
"Entire life, you say?" An old lady came in from the shadows.
"I'm a witch, and i can help you."
She took out her wand, and gave it a wave. And flash!
Mitchel woke up, gasping. "MITCHEL!" I screamed, then giving him a bear hug.
"Yes, hon. He's gonna be soar for a while."
"Um...Miss. is there a way you could make it, so I'm human just like Mitchel is..Or I'm a vampire forever."
"Well...Yes..But, for you...It could take two for doing a reverse spell to change you back, and the other to get rid of the cancer inside of you."
"I'm ready..."
She smiled, and did the spells. Once done, I ran over to Mitchel, he was outside looking out at the stars, in the fleid. Once, he noticed I was next to him, he smiled, and said, "I hear what you said, about the children, the love, and me being the one.." I blushed. He held my hands, looking into my eyes. His eyes glittered into the moonlight, as he contuined, "I think you are the one for me too.." "Aww, really.." "Yes.."
Their was a pause...
All you could hear was the crickets singing. Mitchel put his hand on my cheek, and kissed me with a sound. My arms wrapped around him. Boom! The sky went. We looked up, and saw fireworks. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Someone yelled. We both laughed.
As Mitchel pulled me in again, and kissed me. Only this kiss was more passitate. My lover, Mitchel was finally back into my arms. And this time, I knew the truth inside of him. He loved me. And I loved him. He was the one, and I to him.
We found the one we were looking for..But, hey. Who said love was easy to find? He was truly one in million.