Ur the best cutest guy ever!!! I hope to meet U soon, that would be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Maybe I'll meet you because I'm trying to get tickets to the House of Blues concert in San Diego. I'm going to try to get a VIP ticket.
That probably isn't gonna happen cuz my dad works all day and can't drive us places on a Friday. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do more events in San Diego!!!
And ur music is awesome I love "Hey" and "In Crowd"!!
Lovelovelovelove, Kaley Oliver
P.S. Smokin Oken is totally awesome!! remember come to san diego
hay micthel i hope you can come to orlando because i totally want to see you in person in perphaps i can put you in the school paper and i can give you an interview and i can sit in the v.i.p. section and have a very inpormant people in town so when you get this text me back thanx