I wanted to start a thread about the people in your life. Like your family, BFFs, crushes and stuff like that. I'll write tomorrow, since I have to get off the computer now. bye!
My family is kinda odd... like I don't really look up to them. I kinda look up to my dad but... See my dad was in an accident a while back and he lost his right foot. I thought my dad was a strong man. one that could do anything he wanted to. I know that'd he'd have depression, but he let it get the best of him. he never went out and tried to work himself harder to get strong again. So in a way I look up to him for trying but im also disappointed that he wont do his best.
my BFFs are actually online buds :] Andi and Marissa. Marissa and I started talking 4 years ago and we've been buds ever since. We fight alot tho...the three of us. it usually begins with marissa. but we love her still :] Andi and I started talking about 2 years ago and we are the best of friends. We havent got into a fight, we always listen to what we have to say. She is the greatest friend i could possibly ever have.
I don't exactly have...crushes..like the guys i know are either taken or are just..not my style. and plus, iseem to be more of a celeb person. i always fall for the celebs and i fall hard. i actually feel like im in love with Billie Joe Armstrong. The man i admire the most in my life. He has pulled himself through a lot. losing a father at the age of 10, having no mom around because she was too busy working for money because they were broke. he was an outsider at school and when he met his best friend Mike they started a band called Sweet Children [now they are called Green Day ;)] Billie's songs and lyrics just reach out to me, there is somthing different about them, they aren't your everyday songs that u hear. His love songs are just like "i told you that i loved you and i meant it" you know...they arent a BOLD statement. it's more poetic. "Is there any cure for this disease, Someone called love, Not as long as there are girls like you." Billie also just, idk, he has the best stories to tell. he has done so much in his life time [he's 37] he has such a creative mind, you never know whats going to go on next. it's kinda that way for the whole band, they have 2 side bands and still play in other bands like Pinhead Gunpower [billie] and the Frusturators [mike] it's like billie has 6 different radio stations in his head that you cant turn off.
Then their is mr. musso. not Mitchel, not Marc, but Mason...Mason is the sweetest guy that i have ever possibly met. He kinda stole a couple of days ago..I told myself that i'd make a heart with my hands and throw it up when he looked my way. when i did it he, well looked my way for quite a bit. the time before that, when i talked to him he kinda cut me off from my sentence and was like "hey i remember you! you do graphic designing right?" and i wanted to just fall. before that show, the last time i talked to him, was about 7 or 8 months. and he still remembered so i was pretty amazed with that. he really takes the time to talk to the MS fans and i find that really cool, because alot of celebs dont do that. he really is the sweetest and funniest guy.
Sorry to hear that about your dad. Life is always throwing curveballs at us, but you have to look at it positively. Would you want to wake up every day and know exactly what is going on, where your going to end up and who your going to be? That wouldn't be much fun. Sometimes what doesn't look like a 100% effort to us may be 150% to the person putting in the effort. Your father is a strong man to have to go through that and still be able to get up everyday and put in the effort to work or get around. Believe in him more, believe in your family and you'll see a change i promise.
Everyone has 'BFFs' some are in person some are online, i met ally somewhere around 6 years ago, she lives quite a ways away, met your a couple times, hung out and such but mostly we talk online and she is one of my best friends, someone i can turn to. So even though you fight with your friends like you said you'll always love them, remember to hold them close and forget the people who mean nothing to you.
I was never a huge greenday fan however i do know some of their songs and they were pretty good. Im sure if you write him a letter or meet him you should tell him everything you just told us because that'll probably mean the world to him knowing that every ounce of evergy that he is putting into these songs is really making an impact on the world.
As for Mason, well that's awesome that he remembers you, as you can see that makes such a world of difference knowing someone as "famous" as him can take the time to remember the fans.
Yeah, for crushes, I either have a "normal" crush or a celeb crush. Right now its obviously a celeb crush. And I fall really hard too! Once I start liking a guy, I think about him all the time, and my daydreams are filled of him. But it has a downside. If that guy has a girlfriend or even a close friend who is a girl, I get REALLY jealous of her, and when I start hating her I have to make up a reason to hate her, other than jealousy, to tell people.
I don't have a best friend really. But I have a lot of really good friends. The best friend that I have is named Virginia. She is the nicest person you will ever meet. I've never heard her say anything bad about anyone, ever. She's kind of unpopular, and people make fun of her all the time, because of a difference she has from other people (not telling what it is). You would think she'd be really self concious and mad about it, but she's not. And it makes me mad that people would make fun of her when she is a really considerate person. What I like most about her is that when I'm around her, I never have to hold back anything I have to say. I can be myself fully with her, and she'll never make fun of me. Not many people at my school are like that.
My family is amazingly supportive and cool. Once, when I like the Jonas Brothers, my uncle sent me a package with like 20+ posters of them, magazine pages of them, and pics of them, and a scrapbook to put the pics in!! My aunt and I love to go to the beach and hang out together. She and I have some pretty wacky times together! My dad is a gourmet chef at "the Marine Room" in La Jolla, California. So we get awesome food in our house, and he also takes us on AWESOME vacas! Once, we went on a road trip all the way up California, stopping at cool cities along the way. We camped in the Redwood Forest for 3 days, and drove back down, making more stops. In September, we are taking a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea, and visiting Europe. I'm so excited!
Most of the people in my life are amazing! Honestly, I love my family, friends, crushes, etc.
My family is a bit of everything. Weird, random, big, funny, nice, caring, spacey, etc. I am closet with my Mom and Aunt. I've got loadss of cousins, a few Aunt's & Uncle's. Quite a few second cousins too. My whole family live in the U.S. except for some cousins, who live in Japan. They are a great family out there. We try and see as many family members as we can each year. Usually during holiday's and/or special occasions.
My friends are the best! I have a few best friends and then a bunch of good friends. Though, both my female best friend's moved this year. One moved to Georgia and the other is moving to Mississippi. It's really depressing. They are both so much fun to be around! Very nice, funny, random and caring. Love spending time with them both! When there is a break in college, I hope to fly and see them. At different times, of course.
Then, my guy best friends are awesome. Though, one is on a mission in Brazil. Comes home in November, I'm so excited! His name is Aaron and he is actually a performer. His voice is amazing. Can't wait to hang out with him and his family again! Then, my other two are pretty weird. Nathan, the moderator on here, is one of them. I will see him in just a few weeks. Pretty excited! He's a great guy, as you've seen on here. My other friend is such a sweet guy. Known him since 4th grade. He's like my little brother. Pretty goofy guy.
Then, everyone else is my life is awesome. Some of the teachers I had, a few church leaders, a few co-workers, Mitchel & family, of course, some neighbors, etc. Love spending time with people.
My friends are the best! I have a few best friends and then a bunch of good friends. Though, both my female best friend's moved this year. One moved to Georgia and the other is moving to Mississippi. It's really depressing. They are both so much fun to be around! Very nice, funny, random and caring. Love spending time with them both! When there is a break in college, I hope to fly and see them. At different times, of course.
Yeah, I've had friends move away too. We used to have really wacky times together. Funny thing is, I used to really dislike them, but I still had to see them, and over time we became really close friends.
I just became friends with a girl from my P.E. class, and when we talk to eachother, we are the two randomest, weirdest people ever! We spend half the time talking and half the time laughing hysterically. when I went from 6th grade to middle school, I had to make all new friends since all my other friends went to a different school. I had trouble finding people to hang out with, but finally, someone invited me to sit at their table and we just became really good friends right away. I like that my friends are mature, considerate and can have really good conversations.
i love school but i hate gym class because its not fun not playing baseball
At least you get to play baseball! When I had gym/P.E., we had to run a mile nearly every class, except Friday, where we'd have free day every so often. It was pretty sad, lol.
Wow that is sad. We do the mile run every two months. My gym class is a P.E. class and a health class, and we do some pretty fun things. Last year we did a circus unit where we spent the whole class time playing with diabolos, plate spinners, and other fun stuff. I loved that class, partly because I had a ton of friends there.
Has anyone been watching or following the Little League baseball thing? Our team Parkview won the world championship!! Anyway the star player is Luke Ramirez, who everyone thinks he's hot. Well most of the girls just had a puppy love crush on him the first day he was back at school, but some people including me really like him. Luke sits right next to me in math, and today I had to tutor him to get him caught up on what he missed (in the back room together for 40 minutes)!! OMG some people were so jealous of me! And i was excited all day because of that and I'm going to meet Mitchel tomorrow at his concert! It was an awesome day.